WITH SUCH ZEAL AND IN SUCH MEASURE    15th issue  20th November 2000
Quick Takes...
**Live on the Net ! - The VictorianGlobe Show !  - Well, guess the notice for this was too short, and the firetalk.com did not really work well for some - an alternative may be necessary. This will be put off until further notice, but it will be on.
 Please check the Interactive Community message board for the latest update on these times, the format, the very first guest we may have, and how you can catch up with other Victorians, in real voice and real time.
**This week's feature article tells us more about the recent/current Victorians, as gleaned from recent issues of the annual Victorian.
**Here is an ominous training notice from Raj -
"Please be informed that the Under - 16 Rugger Team is
required to report for training on Friday Nov 24 at 7.30 pm at Subway, Phileo Damansara. This will be our last training session before Ramadhan. Per tradition attendance for supporters is mandatory and
anyone who cannot attend must produce letters from their parents clearly stating why they cannot be present to support their team."
So who is this U-16 rugger team that needs to turn up? See photo of the week below, gang. I don't know, Raj, but it looks like a pre-war team that we are rustling up, and it would already be great if they (and supporters like me) can actually make it  from the car to the training field named Subway, let alone scrum-down!
On the other hand, with spirits to lift our spirits and not orange cordial in a blue plastic bucket mixed with blades of  buffalo grass, who knows? Watch out, Jonah Lomu and the All Blacks, here comes the original Malaysian Victorian fifteens! Yeah - ...push them back, push them back, WAAAAAY BACK!!
**Congratulations to Kang Yeow and Nancy Foo forthe  latest addition to his family. Still, you are not excused from the training session above.
...Excuse Me, I Say, Are You A Victorian?...
..as I was saying, I had the opportunity to have a look at some recent copies of the Victorian, and they provided some interesting reading. Continued from last week are some excerpts and observations.
The 1998 Victorian was produced by the following sections, with the number of students in each in brackets where so indicated - one Editor in Chief, two Vice Editors, one secretary and one treasurer with each having his/her vices (haha), News & Report (6), Literature (8), Science (4), Graphics (7), Photography (6) and Business (4). That makes a grand total of 42  students to produce the annual Victorian, and four teacher advisors.
Anyone recall how many it took to produce the Victorian in our times? Well, talk about learning management and delegation at an early age.
On the back of the issue, as in other recent Victorian, is the following :
'We, the Victorians,
The spirit of the school,
The soul of its existence,
The champion of its causes,
The source of its aspirations,
The voice of its conscience,
The lilfe within its walls.'
I don't know, gang, speaking for myself, I surely don't qualify to be the voice of its conscience nor the source of its aspirations!
I will leave it to others to live up to these worthy ambitions.  
VI boys are as argumentative as ever though, the VI Literary and Debating Society reported that they became the Federal Territory's champion debating team. They also visited Assunta Secondary School's  'Literary Evening' - now why didn't we think of that back in those days? There is still hope for current Victorians, thank goodness.
There is also a Girls Club! Now, what on earth would that serve, where 99.8% of the school cannot qualify to be members? Sure beats me.
Now, onto the 1997 issue. It has an article titled 'Buildings and Places in VI' and following are excerpts -
'The opening of the school was held on the 30th July, 1894. This date is also known as 'Founders Day'..."
"Our Clock Tower symbolises strength, confidence, pride and spirit within all Victorians."
"There are a few philosophies surrounding the main building. One of them is the School Bell....The Bell symbolises bravery and spirit."
'It's main building was shaped in an 'E' to "provide Education to the Elite so they may Excel in all fields and achieve Eminence in the society".'
'Also in this hall are historical relics such as the pictures of each school Principal since 1893. It also contains VI's philosophy, for example The Smiling Sun and The Smiling Crescent Moon...'
(Note: In the 1994 Victorian - 'The Smiling Sun - The sun symbolises courage and bravery. When light triumphs over darkness, Truth emerges. The Smiling Crescent Moon - In the darkness, a crescent moon radiates hope;portraying a Victorian's Spirit to succeed in the face of uncertainty.')
Oh well.
By the way, the 1997 issue was the one that got a past Victorian, Mr Chung Chee Min so mad he decided to write an article in the 1998 Victorian to debunk all the myths passed as truths down the years. One can read his article debunking these myths - click to read.
There are 8 Form One classes, each consisting of about 30 students, going from the photos. They thin out so that in Lower Six, there are 4 classes, and Lower Six Arts 2 had 9 students in the photo only! Well, maybe the entire class consisted only of 9 or some were not agreeable to be photographed, I guess.
Excerpt from an article titled 'Poems, anyone?' -
'Recently there was a big brouhaha over the propriety of luxuriating in  poems...Is it a crime? Come onlah! Wake up!'
'They seem to have this wrong, nolah, let's say...'
Excerpt from the Message from the Editor-in-Chief -
'Remember, "We are the ELITES" and "We are one of a kind".'
'Lastly, I would like to call upon all Victorians to uphold the traditions of VI. Traditions are things that made us, Victorians a special breed. Without it, we are NOTHING!'
(Repeated verbatim here, emphasis is as per original article.)
Well, if anything, one cannot fault them for their enthuasism and fire, can we?
Oh well, so like I said....
... excuse me, I say, but are you a Victorian?
Interactive Community - Any comments, thoughts on current Victorians, reminiences,  etc? Write and read about others' comments at this Interactive Community.
(Note to current/recent Victorians:This article is written tougue-in-cheek, so don't take it too seriously.)
Start The Week Laughing...
                 A somewhat advanced society has figured how to package
                 basic knowledge in pill form.
                 A student, needing some learning, goes to the pharmacy
                 and asks what kind of knowledge pills are available. The
                 pharmacist says, "Here's a pill for English literature." The
                 student takes the pill and swallows it and has new
                 knowledge about English literature!
                 "What else do you have?" asks the student.
                 "Well, I have pills for art history, biology, and world history,"
                 replies the pharmacist.
                 The student asks for these, and swallows them and has
                 new knowledge about those subjects.
                 Then the student asks, "Do you have a pill for math?"
                 The pharmacist says, "Wait just a moment," goes back into
                 the storeroom and brings back a whopper of a pill and
                 plunks it on the counter.
                 "I have to take that huge pill for math?" inquires the student.
                 The pharmacist replied, "Well, you know--math always was
                 a little hard to swallow."
Log - On...
http://onhealth.com - Try this health web site and let us know if it is any good.
A picture tells a thousand words...
Hassanuddin looks younger than us now, my goodness! hmm..he actually looks so sweet and innocent, we can actually bully him now, can't we? Raj, I never knew you were in the rugger team, and Heng foo the coach?? Cowboy Chan is in his usual Charles Atlas pose, of course. As usual too, See tho has his hands around others to hold on to for support in group photos. Where was this photo taken, gang and on what occasion? does not look like on the school field.
Photo Credit: Rahmat for the original photo, Harris for processing it, and Raj for scanning it.
...that's all folks, for this week...have a great week ahead, everyone!   :O)
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