Victorian Times
This is a weekly netzine for general news, gossips, jokes, and light reading, made available every Monday.
It was founded on 14th August 2000 (Founders' Day as well) and we are into our 20th issue.
Victorians, families and friends are all invited to contribute articles, news, jokes, profiles, ect.
Well, it's not exactly the Seladang or the annual Victorian, hopefully it should be better!
All suggestions as to content, layout are especially welcome.
Current Issue
Monday 25.12.2000 - 'Silent Night' by Hawk, plus True Story - The Political Commissar and... by Wignesh
Past Issues
Monday 18.12.2000 - True Story - Victorian Vignettes by Wignesh, plus
Where were you in 1968?!
Monday 11.12.2000 - At last, what you have been waiting for, a COVER GIRL for the Victorian Times!!
Monday  4.12.2000 - The Human Spirit, plus photo of U-16 rugby team
Monday 27.11.2000 - True Story - The Day a Gurkha drew his kukri over a Victorian (and drew blood) - by Wignesh
Monday 20.11.2000 - Excuse me, I say, are you a Victorian?
Monday 13.11.2000 - I say, are you a Victorian?
Monday  6.11.2000 - Feature article by Hawk - Life is Uncertain, plus photo of David's pumpkins (fruits, that is)
Monday 30.10.2000 - VI through '74 eyes plus St Croix photo
Monday 23.10.2000 - Feature article by Mr Chung Chee Min - Murder in the
Monday 16.10.2000 - Feature article by our Hawk in Canada              
Monday 9.10.2000 - Victorian Golf
Monday 2.10.2000 - Victorian Pranks
Monday 25.9.2000 - Victorian Olympics
Monday 18.9.2000 - Sex in VI classrooms
Monday 11.9.2000 - Long Life & good health
Other past issues will be put up later.
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